Special thanks to our first time user Tim Royal for sending us his photos of this amazing Kawasaki ZZR wrapped in our Blue Black flame wrapping film. Tim, you did an amazing job with this sport bike wrap you can really see you took your time & followed our easy to read application instructions. This bike wrap was a special request by Tim because he requested custom sized sheets to accomplish a particular look he was going for. Tim provide the dimensions he needed for his wrap & had a number of phone conversations to be sure we were producing what he wanted. We also provided a proof illustration prior to producing the wrap just to be sure we had it exactly as he wanted it. Yes, we go the extra mile for our motorcycle wrap customers… If you have a bike wrap project feel free to contact us with your idea & we can make it a reality… Contact us today!! Have questions about our wrapping film, application, durability or film uses? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions section?