IT’S ELECTRIC!! Yes, this Honda St 1300 bike wrap from power sports wraps looks amazing. We created this lightning wrap just for one of our first time users John Tome from Erie, PA. John wanted to make sure that his ST 1300 bike wrap stood out from all the others at the Mid-Ohio Super Cycle weekend & WOW!! did it ever. We even wrapped his windscreen with perforated vinyl for that finishing touch. I’m not sure John or Beth got a chance to even see a race that weekend as they talked to hundreds of people about there custom ST 1300 bike wrap. They found that many sport touring bike owners are looking for ways to dress up there bikes without the commitment or cost of custom air-brush. Wrapping your sport touring bike is the best & most economical way to customize your bike. Call us today for your personalized bike wrap. Learn how to apply bike wraps on our website.
shop; www.powersportswraps.com